South Yards (Phase 1 - Tower B
- Featured
- Pre Construction
- Pre Sale
- Apartment/Condo
- Address: 2410 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC
- Number of Floor: 43
- Number of Unit: 505
- Developer: Anthem and Kingsett Capital
- Year Built: Est. Compl. Mar 2027
- Building Name: South Yards (Phase 1 - Tower B
Uptown Address - Downtown Brentwood Anthem is proud to be back in Brentwood. Introducing South Yards, a highly anticipated master-planned community featuring 2,500 homes and 60,000 square feet of vibrant commercial and retail space, surrounding a one-acre urban park. Located just one block south of the Skytrain, experience downtown Brentwood like never before.
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